Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hibernate - Inheritance – Strategy 2 : Table Per Sub Class Hierarchy

Hibernate - Inheritance – Strategy 2 : Table Per Sub Class Hierarchy

Inheritance – Strategy 2 : Table Per Sub Class Hierarchy 

Inheritance Mapping

Hibernate supports 3 basic inheritance mapping strategies.
1. Table per class hierarchy 
2. Table per subclass 
3. Table per concrete class

By using Primary key / Foreign key concept subclass are mapped with its parent class.

As per the below example there will be 3 tables and no relations to each other.

To do the table map, use joined-subclass element.

<joined-subclass name="pojo.PermanentEmployee" table="permanentemployee">
<key column="eid"></key>
<property name="salary"></property>
<property name="bonus"></property>

The Key subelement of joined-subclass is used to generate the foreign key.

Since we are using property it generates the tables automatically. So no need to worry about creating tables in the database.
Suppose you have the base Employee class, with PermanentEmployee and ContractEmployee as subclasses.

Steps -
Step 1 - Create POJO classes ( and PermanentEmployee, ContractEmployee sub-classes )
Step 2 - Create mapping file ( employee.hbm.xml )
Step 3 - Hibernate Configurations ( hibernate.cfg.xml )
Step 4 - Create class to do the execution ( ) 

Step 1 - Create POJO classes 
Create POJO (Plain Old Java Object) classes that represents the Employee, PermanentEmployee and ContractEmployee.
Step 2 - Create mapping file

Create a mapping file “employee.hbm.xml” which maps, “employee”, “permanentemployee”, “contractemployee” tables in the database by using <union-subclass tag.

<joined-subclass name="pojo.PermanentEmployee" table="permanentemployee">
<key column="eid"></key>

Step 3 - Hibernate Configurations

Create configuration file name as hibernate.cfg.xml and save it.
Step 4 - Create Execute class

Create a ExecuteEmployee class to do the execution.
Out put on the above application as follows.