Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hibernate ( Annotation ) - 1st Program

Hibernate ( Annotation ) - 1st Program 

First Hibernate ( Annotation ) Application

The Hibernate application can be created with annotation. There are many annotations which can be created Hibernate application such as @Entity, @Id, @Table etc. Hibernate Annotations are based on JPA 2 specification and it supports all the features.
JPA annotations are defined in javax.persistance.* package

Hibernate EntityManager implements the Interfaces and life cycle defined by the JPA specificatoin. Hibernate annotations are used to provide the meta data. Core Advantage use of Annotations – no need to create mapping files ( .hbm.xml )
For this example we use below annotations   
@Entity annotation – marks the class as entity.  
@Table annotation – specifies the table name where data of this entity is to be persisted.  ( note – if not specify the @Table annotation, by default hibernate use as the class name for that ) 
@Id annotation – marks the identifier of this entity  
@Column annotation – specifies the details of the column for this property or filed. ( note - if this not specify, property name will be used as the column name by default.)  This lesson shows the basic steps of creating a simple hibernate application with hibernate annotation by using eclipse IDE.

Step 1 - Setup the development environment for Hibernate Annotation
Step 2 - Create POJO class ( ) Step 3 - Hibernate Configurations plus add mapping to the configuration
( hibernate.cfg.xml )  Step 4 - Create class to do the execution ( )

Step 1 - Setup the development environment for Hibernate

To set up the development environment you need to carry out below operations.

( Assume * you already install Java to your development environment * you already add the hibernate related libraries to the project through eclipse IDE. * Create a table in the MySQL database – for this example I create the table called “employeeannotation” and empid is the primary key)
Step 1.1 Add Hibernate Annotation Prerequisites  For use annotation, it uses
* ejb3-persistence.jar  * hibernate-annotations.jar  * hibernate-commons-annotations.jar  Create a new lib folder under your project and copy above files into the lib folder. Once you copy the files, then you need to configure the build path. For that use below steps. i) Right click the project ii) Select Build Path iii) Configure Build Path iv) Go to Libraries tab and browse and add all jar files
Step 2 - Create POJO class

Create a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class that represents the employee. This is a simple class which has property getter and setter methods and private visibility for the fields. Additionally we create the annotation here.

Step 3 - Hibernate Configurations plus add mapping to the configuration
Step 4 - Create class to do the execution 
Out put on the above application as follows.